Visitor & Access Management System for Exhibition in India

truMe has the power to make your visitors feel welcome even as it dramatically enhances the security at your exhibitions/ conferences. truMe can be used to create and enforce rules of access within the premises for visitors and temp staff, including differential access and duration based access, creating a need-based access environment. Besides, it enhances productivity, gives you the power of analytics and also comes with an in-built emergency response system.

truMe provides full visibility on the people participating in an event. Managing attendees, contractors or visitors on-premise is very essential in understanding where the security risks are. truMe allows full visibility as well as control of identities along with improved security, privacy and convenience.  

  • Controlled & secure access on the basis of pre-decided access rights
  • Organisers can keep tab on value derived by each exhibitor
  • Power of data analytics for better targeting 

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