Access Management For Residential Complex | Access Control System

Identity and Access Management for Residential Complex

Access Management for Residential Complex, Arjun is very excited. He has just moved into his new home, which is part of a condominium in Gurgaon, very close to his place of work. It’s a big residential complex with 20 towers and about 2500 families. It has a great club house and several facilities that are now de rigueur in any modern residential development in a metro. 

However, until sometime back the size of the complex had been posing a few problems to Arjun. There were quite a few irritants related to the access management of his visitors, his domestic staff and the various temporary workers employed by the facilities management company (FMC) managing the complex.  Even his own access into the complex, ensured through a NFC card issued by the FMC, was not as smooth as he would have liked it to be. 

There were many issues of convenience and that of security that had been bothering Arjun. At times, he left his NFC card at home or in car and had to go back to retrieve it.  He also knew that if he lost his NFC card, the same could be used by anyone to access the complex because the system identified the NFC card and not Arjun personally. People he invited to visit his new home had to wait at the reception area, while the staff at the reception filled in the details of the visitors in a desktop. As the number of visitors was always high, especially during weekends, the wait time at the reception was inordinately long. Besides, the staff, under pressure due to high number of visitors at the reception, was not always courteous.  Another problem Arjun faced was the erratic attendance of the maids. At times, his maid came into the complex but left after attending to some other houses. Arjun was also worried about the hundreds of temporary and domestic staff roaming about the complex. He had read stories of untoward incidents happening in the residential complexes for lack of security check of domestic and temp staff. 

As other residents had been facing the same set of problems, the RWA asked the FMC to address these in a holistic manner. The FMC studied the various solutions available and after going through the pros and cons, chose the truMe platform.  truMe is an IoT based global identity & access management solution that is redefining the way people access buildings (offices, schools, business parks, residential complexes) and events (exhibitions, meetings etc.). The installation and data integration was quick and now the entire complex operates on truMe platform.

Access Management for Residential Complex And what a transformation it has been. Now Arjun has truMe app on his phone apart from the truMe enabled NFC card. His cars are linked to his identity and he enters the premises without getting down from his car, just by scanning his phone against the truMe AGC installed at the building gate. He invites all his guests on truMe app and the guests reach his home in a seamless manner by just scanning the invite on their truMe app against the AGC installed at the gate and the tower.  Arjun comes to know that his guest is about to reach as he gets a notification when the guest scans his phone against the AGC. All the temp staff and maids have their eKYC done on the truMe platform and now Arjun can be sure that the identity of everyone employed by the RWA or the residents is known to the FMC and is on the record. Now, he also gets a notification as soon as his maid enters the complex and also when any of the residents fires a maid who works for Arjun as well. The temp staff are now issued duration based, tower specific passes, which helps the FMC manage the attendance and access of the temp staff better. Now Arjun’s condominium is well managed place where security, privacy and convenience are a way of life. 

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