A Beginner's Guide to Visitor Management

A Beginner’s Guide to Visitor Management

Visitor Management is the process of welcoming visitors into your premises. Business Parks, buildings, offices and residential complexes have visitors coming in and going out throughout the day. The sign-in process only makes up a small percentage of the process. Other factors to consider include visitor safety and security, workplace productivity, evacuation management, and notifying employees when a visitor arrives.

Traditionally, visitor management has been handled via manual processes – including paper visitor books and the requirement that reception staff informs employees when guests arrive in person – but now all of these aspects of the process can be managed in one place. It’s called a VMS.

What is a Visitor Management System?

The visitor management system plays a crucial role in the smooth operation of business parks and office complexes. It is impossible to imagine a modern business park or office complex becoming a desirable destination for companies without a modern VMS in place.  Visitor management systems (VMS) track visitors’ arrivals, departures, and movements throughout protected areas, improving security, safeguarding privacy, and streamlining visitor processes.

There is a steady stream of visitors to business parks, such as business associates, auditors, and regulatory professionals, job applicants, delivery people, contractors, vendors, and family members of employees. Using this system, visitors’ information, such as name, arrival time and date, contact information, and photographs, can be collected so a clear record can be kept of who entered and left the building. Visitors can sign in using a digital sign-in or an app.

Installing a visitor management system in your business park or office could provide you with the following benefits:

  1. Enhanced security – Visitor management systems can deter and detect crime by tracking visitors and keeping records of their identities. Additionally, it makes it easier to identify and mitigate security risks.
  2. Great experience for the visitors – A good VMS ensures that the visitors don’t have to queue up or share confidential identity documents at reception. They have a friction-less entry experience and feel welcome.
  3. Improved customer service – Managing customer expectations and ensuring everyone receives the best service is easier when you know who is on your property and when.
  4. Increased efficiency – You can improve your reception’s efficiency by using a visitor management system to streamline processes such as check-in and check-out.
  5. Reduced costs – You can save money on labour costs by automating manual processes with a visitor management system.
  6. Improved safety – You can ensure that everyone on your premises is accounted for by installing a vms


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Advantages of truMe Visitor Management System

It is imperative that you keep track of your visitors if you manage a business park or a large office. A visitor management system can provide a number of advantages, and truMe offers one of the best. truMe’s touchless visitor management system allows you to manage visitors easily and quickly without clutter.


Here are just a few reasons why you should consider truMe’s visitor management system for your business park:

  1. Provide visitors with privacy, security, and convenience, as well as your business park with productivity, efficiency, and security.
  2. Keep a watchful eye on anyone who enters your property. truMe lets you know who is on your property and when they arrive. It is crucial for security reasons as well as helping you resolve any issues that may arise.
  3. truMe requires visitors to sign in when they arrive and out when they leave. If there is ever an incident that needs to be investigated, it is useful to keep track of who was on the property when.
  4. With truMe, you’ll receive real-time alerts whenever visitors enter or exit your property.
  5. Create a database of visitors.
  6. Keep your premises safe by ensuring that only authenticated individuals enter.
  7. Make it easy for visitors to visit the employee residences in your business park by inviting them in advance.
  8. The register of visitors and the access control is on the same platform, so that you can get a complete picture of the visitors’ journey from the time of registration until the time they exit the park.
  9. Central visibility on all the visitors real-time, with no queue, no friction and no paperwork.
  10. truMe vms allows you to keep a unified record of every visitor from every entrance across your organization.
  11. easily scalable to support growing business needs.

For enhanced security and access management, the truMe visitor management system is an ideal addition to business parks. This system simplifies visitor management process and makes data retrieval a walk in the park.


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